Diagnostic Assessments for Rank Improvement in IIT-JEE and NEET exams!

eTutor Diagnostic Assessments curated by a team of subject-matter experts. Our assessments are specifically tailored to support educators in giving detailed analysis of their students preparedness.

  • Expert-Prepared Test Series
  • Diverse Test Types
  • Detailed Analysis
  • Student Self-Assessments
  • Progressive Learning
  • Security and Scalability
Diagnostic Assessments

Expert-Prepared Test Series

Our tests are crafted by a team of seasoned educators who understand the complexities of effective assessment. It ensures you receive high-quality questions that challenge your understanding and knowledge.

Expert-Prepared Test Series
Diverse Test Types

Diverse Test Types

From comprehensive diagnostic tests that lay the foundation for improvement to focused part tests that target specific areas, grand subject tests, and full mock tests, our range of assessment types cater to your varied needs, giving you a holistic evaluation of your skills.

Detailed Analysis

Numbers can only tell part of the story. Our diagnostic assessments provide detailed analyses that help you dive deep into your performance. Understand your strengths and identify the areas that require attention, guiding your study strategy precisely.

Detailed Analysis
Student Self-Assessments

Student Self-Assessments

Empower yourself with the ability to gauge your progress. Our assessments encourage self-awareness, helping you set realistic goals and refine your learning approach as you progress.

Progressive Learning

Education is a journey, not a destination. With eTutor's diagnostic assessments, you're not just testing but embarking on a progressive learning journey. Each evaluation acts as a stepping stone, propelling your students closer to their academic aspirations.

Whether striving for academic excellence, bridging knowledge gaps, or refining your teaching strategies, our Diagnostic Assessments Suite is your steadfast companion.

Progressive Learning


A team of subject experts and educators prepares our Diagnostic Assessments. These professionals ensure the tests are accurate, aligned with curriculum standards, and reflect the nuances of the subject matter.

Educators can use our Diagnostic Assessments to gauge their students' understanding of specific topics. This data helps teachers adapt their teaching methods to cater to their student's needs more effectively.

Our suite offers a variety of test types to cater to different needs: diagnostic tests, part tests that focus on specific sections, topic-wise assessments, chapter-wise evaluations, subject grand tests, and comprehensive full mock tests.

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+91 7396-668-300
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4th & 5th Floors,
CSR Commercial Complex,
Near Meridian School Rd, Madhapur,
Hyderabad, Telangana - 500081

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