How do you get a customized LMS that multiplies student learning outcomes?

How do you get a customized LMS that multiplies student learning outcomes?


Every day, the number of schools adopting and implementing e-learning tools is increasing.

Many students are familiar with the EdTech platform like eTutor and use it occasionally, but they still need help to stay focused during online classes.

Educators and teachers use the LMS to conduct online classes and train their students. But teachers still need help to acquire the best student learning outcomes.

Why is this happening?

The reason is the need for better user experience, i.e., UX design.

A poorly optimized school management system can lead to boring classes for students, diverting their focus from quality education.

In order to capture, retain and maximizing student attention customizing modules within the school management system is important.

Here’s how you can achieve it…

1. Creating engaging visual elements

Your online e-learning tools should have more attractive visual elements, such as videos, games, images, etc., to attract and engage students on your platform.

Adding the graphics is vital in grabbing the kids’ attention on a larger scale.

Your website designer should put their total energy into leveraging the visuals of the online teaching-learning platform.

Moreover, to track and monitor the student engagement and punctuality ratio, you need to integrate the online student attendance management system with your e-learning software!

2. Make e-content search visible & accessible.

Users can use different devices to access the content; web and mobile compatibility is the primary concern.

Also, every study material and learning resource you provide to your students, like question banks, assignments, quizzes, etc, should be presented to the students

If the e-content you provide is not presently properly accessible, it can confuse students and make it difficult for them to search for relevant content.

However, this element can be achieved with an easy navigation & search option in your platform.

Generally, we see categories of kids-

  • Class toppers who know what exactly they need.
  • Average-grade students who need to browse for e-content to understand the concept.
  • The platform would display an easily accessible and flexible ‘search bar’ for the convenience of both!

    3. Making assessment tests and their evaluation a priority:

    The success of your online classes truly depends on the student’s academic performance and progress. The more skills students acquire, the more their online courses will be effective.

    The online exams and assessment tests directly influences desired student learning outcomes and can significantly impact your brand reputation

    Assessing and evaluating student progress facilitates instant feedback, ensuring optimal learning outcomes.

    So, prioritizing investment in online assessment tools is paramount—it should be your foremost concern.

    Contact us today for a comprehensive blueprint of your ideal school management ERP system software should look like.

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